Saturday, January 30, 2010

First Check Drug Test Faint Line I Have A Drug Test In Two Days, I Took A First Check At Home Drug Test, Did I Pass?

I have a drug test in two days, I took a First Check at home drug test, did I pass? - first check drug test faint line

Hello to all. Here is my situation ..

I'm training and I have a drug test in two days (Wednesday 11.00) I quit smoking there are about 3 weeks and just to be sure, I'm clean, I bought a house in a drug test. The first control test substance to be exact. I urinated in the street, and then tries to persuade me, and cocaine, but THC was a very faint line of pink. (It shows a pink-red line when) passed

It weighs only 140 kg and have a fast metabolism. But despite the line of THC is not as dark as the line of cocaine or LoC, it is still? I want to make sure, because I usually have many problems.

No advice, what can I do to clean my system before my probation test? In trying to drink definitely too much water, to dilute my pee along with aspirin and vitamin B. If I want, too bad to drink vinegar.

Thank you!


Snake Eyes said...

first of all drugs are bad mmmkay Secondly, why drink vinegar, the test is still worse. Only drink water, water, and water to pee it all out, but I think it should be fine. Make sure your urine is not aware of all the crystal water.

Diane said...

The pink line indicates that it has happened. And help taking the medication would be much easier for you. Talk to God. Ready to listen.

LYNN W said...

Says yes, if no row shows what happened. It would be much easier if he just does not predominantly.

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